About Us
JAC (Jahed Agricultural and Construction Organization) was Established in year 2003 which was registered with the Ministry of plan of Islamic Transitional Government of Afghanistan in 18.01.2003 with Registration Number of 975 . Read More
Our Mission
Our Mission is To cope with women illiteracy, empower women with vocational skills, to generate sustainable income for their families focusing the most of marginalized women in rural areas in Afghanistan
Our Vision
Our Vision is to literate women who are living in margin areas of Afghanistan. We want to equip them with skills to generate income for their families by holding literacy courses and vocational trainings with the consideration of cultural and geographical aspects.

About Us
JAC (Jahed Agricultural and Construction Organization) was Established in year 2003 which was registered with the Ministry of plan of Islamic Transitional Government of Afghanistan in 18.01.2003 with Registration Number of 975 . The Core of JAC was Enthusiast Afghans who strived to take part in the rehabilitation of war-ravaged Afghanistan. The Founders Are Engineer Assadullah Arsalan, Dr. Zabihullah, Dr. Abdul Ghani, Nilab Sadat, and Haider Joya. Later JAC Expanded its Services Scope In the last yearly meeting board of directors decided to bring changes in organization vision as per the instant needs of the society, as a result, the organization license was renewed with a name change which matches its new vision as Jahed development & capacity-building organization (JDCO) with Reg No 89.The organization has taken part in reconstruction of schools, distribution of school books, supply of drinkable water, building gravel road in remote areas & has implemented projects work against food which was founded by European Union, USAID & World Bank in partnership with national and international NGOs like: GOAL, Habitat, WFP, CAFÉ, UNICEF, MRRD, UNDP, IOM, UNOPS & ASAP in Northern provinces of Afghanistan. In the last yearly meeting board of directors decided to bring changes in organization vision as per the instant needs of the society
Partnerships & Donors
Projects Implemented
Peoples Served
Professional Employee
Our Partners
Our Organization worked with diffrent Natioanl and International NGOs.

United Nations Development Programm

United Nations Human Settlement Programme

United Nations Children's Fund

United Nations Office for Project Services

World Food Programm

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

International Organization for Migration

Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development

International Humanitarian Response agency
Our Team
Our Professional board of Directors and Operational staffs are Group of Highly Effective and Goal Oriented Individuals.

Engineer Asadullah Arsalan
Sayed Murtaza Akbari
Project Manager
Hashmatullah Mehr
Procurment Manager